Registration Form

Date of Birth: *

Marital Status: *

Have you been baptized in Jesus Name? *

Have you received the Holy Ghost? *

Has your Pastor approved of your attendance? *

Are you part of the United Pentecostal Church International(UPCI)?*

All registrants have access to Online Learning.
If you were to attend a campus, which one would you attend? *

What language of instruction will you be taking LTC? *

What semester are you registering for? (Each semester is $200; Both semesters are $350 until the registration deadline) *

If you're taking an individual course, which course will it be? (Each individual course is $60 and registration is limited)

Are you a returning student from a previous semester? *

Registration will not be finalized until payment has been received. What date will we receive payment for your registration? eTransfers: or on our website (Note: Registration deadline is Friday, September 8, 2023) *

* Required

It is our vision to see labourers in the Kingdom of God in every cities and towns of the Ontario Province.